Aktuelle Dermatologie, in Kulturwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Haut, Saurma A., 2006;32: p539.
Stuff (French), Programmable Tattoos, Sept. edition (online and print)
Innovation Lab (Denmark), Printable Robots, Sept. edition (online and print)
Boring is Bad: Michael Allen’s Guide to e-Learning
by Dr. Michael Allen. Also, software examples in book's CD-ROM supplement
A PDA That Really Gets Under Your Skin, Popular Science (Oct, p19)
The Wall Street Journal (sale of ICONOS to IPG)
Dow Jones (sale of ICONOS to IPG)
Getting Started – Macromedia Interactive Studio - Case Study No.1
Boss Animation of the Day (Web Review)
San Diego Union-Tribune (October)
The Web Review (October)
Photo District News – PIX supplement (October)
Macweek (October 7)
Interface (September)
The Australian (September 10)
Return on Investment – Macromedia Interactive Case Studies (August)
The Blue Web'n Learning Web site (Packard Bell) (June)
Macromedia Web site (April)
Providence Sunday Journal (February)
St. Paul Pioneer Press (February)
The SPA Web site (Software Publishers Assoc.) (February)
The 3M Web site (January)
Children's Software Review (January)
WCCO Television News at Noon (January)
Minneapolis StarTribune (January 15)
USA Today (December 12)
The Christian Science Monitor (December 12)
Family Times (December)
Lexington Herald-Leader (December)
UPI Radio Network (November)
St. Paul Pioneer Press (November)
San Jose Mercury News (November)
MacHome Journal (November)
indelible News! (November)
Kids Today (November)
Anders CD-ROM Survey (November)
The Boston Computer Museum Guide to the Best Software for Kids
by Miranker & Elliot, HarperCollins Publishers
Providence Journal (November)
Emery's "New In Stores" (November)
Children's Software Revue Newsletter (October/November)
CBS Television “This Morning” (August)
Universal Press Syndicate (May)
That's Edutainment! by Eric C. Brown, Osborne McGraw-Hill
MacHome Journal (January)
Multimedia World CD-ROM insert (January)
Washington Post (December)
Louisville Courier Journal (December 16)
Orlando Sentinel Tribune (December 8)
Columbus Dispatch (December 2)
Insider Report on New Media (December)
U.S. News and World Report (November 28)
Dallas Morning News (November 21)
Plain Dealer (December 3)
Knoxville News Sentinel (November 11)
United Press International (November 8)
Sacramento Bee (November 5)
indelible News! (November)
Minneapolis Star Tribune (November)
Computer Retail Week (October 31)
The Macromedia Product Catalog Volume 4
Macromedia Solutions Guide Volume 1
MacWeek (January 4)
San Francisco Chronicle & Examiner (April)
InfoWorld (February 3)
Computer Pictures (January/February)
AV Video (January)
Macromedia Interactive Multimedia Analysis: ROI (January)
Authorware Professional (rear panel of retail product)
New Media (November/December)
New Media News (Fall/Winter)
Computer Pictures
Computer Graphics World (August)
Computer Monthly (April)
Presentation Products Magazine (April)
Authorware Magazine (Second Quarter)
AV Communications (February)
Macworld Super Stacks! Winners Showcase
QUOTATIONS IN THE PRESS for “What’s the Secret?” CD-ROM science series for kids
Universal Press Syndicate
"This is by far the best science education program I've seen in years."
Washington Post
"... this CD-ROM instantly rises to the front ranks of science edutainment ware. This is all awfully well done."
Multimedia World
"What's the Secret? is one of the best science programs available today."
Minneapolis Star Tribune
"Every once in a while, an educational program comes along that you'd like to give not only to your own kids but to all the children in school."
Boston Computer Museum Guide to Best Software for Kids
"It's the best science discovery program we've seen. What' the Secret? gives kids a real feel for doing ... and understanding ... and enjoying ... science. [It] is part adventure, part live-action lab and 100% terrific.” “The bottom line: The best software to get kids really excited about science.”
A Parent's Guide to Educational Software
"Each screen is lavishly illustrated and detailed, like pages of a colorful kid's workbook ... the level of detail
is impressive."
Computer Graphics World
"Kids schmidz - I'll bet you fight for mouse control over this CD."
MacHome Journal
"It teaches kids about science the way they like to learn: by entertaining them, and by letting them choose
exactly what they want to learn about."
Lexington Herald-Leader
"This is one great field trip!"
Educational Software Report Card
"Highest Rating of Excellence"
Surfing the Net With Kids
"Four Star Rating of Wonderful"
That's Edutainment!
"Four Star Rating of Excellence"
The Sacramento Bee
"It's a bright combination of complex science made understandable and fun."
Columbus Dispatch
"This CD is very well done. It squarely hits children right in the imagination.”
indelible News!
"What's the Secret?" volume 2 is even better than volume 1. This is a fine example o f a CD that delivers everything it promises. Let's hope we don't have to wait too long for volume 3.